Please go to the sign in page  and click on the "Forgot Password" link as shown below.

The Authomate Forgot Password Form will appear. Enter you Login ID.  This is normally your email address.  If you have a StrongPass Personal and StrongPass Teams account with the same email address, your StrongPass Teams Login ID will be your team domain plus your email address (e.g.[email protected]). You can find your Login ID in the Registration Complete email that you received when you registered your device. Type the text from the CAPTCHA image into the CAPTCHA TEXT field and press Submit.

After Submit, you will receive an email with subject "Authomate Password Reset" with further instructions as shown below.

Clicking on the "HERE" link takes you to the Reset Password page. You can manually fill in the form, but a better option is to use your StrongPass app to generate a strong password. Click on the Authomate icon on your web browser.

Open your StrongPass app and the Change Password screen will be displayed with an automatically generated password. You have the option to change the password length and include special characters. When you are satisfied with your new password, click the SAVE button and your new password will automatically be populated in the web browser.

Enter your app passcode then click the "Reset Password" button

Congratulations. You can now log into your account with your new password.

Important Notes: If you do not enter your app passcode on the reset password form, certain operations such as resetting the app passcode are not allowed until you confirm that you still possess the phone. To unblock these features, simply open the StrongPass app and enter the correct passcode. If you have forgotten your passcode and you are a StrongPass Teams user, contact your team  administrator. If you’re a StrongPass Personal user, contact customer support at [email protected]

If you had Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled for your account, when the reset password is complete, 2FA will be disabled and you will need to re-enabled it.